Re: Use JOIN/COLLECT to return the first x number of characters
Hi @Lucas Rayala , I think your best solution is to insert a helper column as your {Item Number} range. Extract the Left 3 into that column and then collect and join them. Mark1 · -
Re: Is there a formula that will automatically add zeros in front of numbers added to a cell?
Hi @bcfish , You can add a helper column to contain the string with 7 leading 0s. You'll enter the number in another column [number]. The column formula in the helper column will be: ="0000000&q…1 · -
Re: Leave of Absence Template?
Hi @Celeste Nudelman , I don't have a template for you but your use case sounds very doable without a template. Start by determining what you need to get out of the tool. Will you be using it to auto…2 · -
Re: IF and IS BLANK to check dates
=IF(AND(ISDATE([Submission Closed date]@row),ISDATE([Due date]@row)), IF( [Due Date]@row > TODAY()), "Yes", IF(ISBLANK([Submission Closed Date]@row), IF([Due Date]@row > today(), &quo…1 · -
Re: Formula with symbols
Hi, To count symbols you use a countif or counifs function. Each has a value. See the link below. As an example, to count the up arrows in a column titled Arrow you would use =COUNTIF(Arrow:Arrow, @c…1 ·